
You are User

  • Before registering, you must first choose your preferred retailer. To find it quickly, please answer the following questions.
  • Traders
  • Country
  • Search
  • If you are already registered, you can add other trade directly from your profile. Please sign in and click on your profile.

You are Trader

  • You are a trader and you want to stay close to your customers by providing an extra service. My Trader does just that. Try our free app and tell us what you think.
  • If you want to watch the tutorial To register, cliquez ici
  • Email.Adr
  • Trade name
  • Trade
  • Country
  • (*) required field
  • For practical reasons, registration can only be done from a PC.
  • If you are already registered as a trader, you can add your other shopping directly from your profile. Please sign in and click on your profile. For further information,