This week The Cob of Golden Sun losangeles - We offer you: our Muffins and Brownies. Dec 7, 2024241207YGZLG090403
This week Currently on losangeles, thecobofgoldensun offers you: Tradition of good bread. Dec 4, 2024241204OFLML150403
This week Currently on losangeles, thecobofgoldensun offers you: our Croissants. Dec 4, 2024241204MDHZZ130402
This week The Cob of Golden Sun losangeles - We offer you: Tradition of good bread. Dec 3, 2024241203LTL160404
sky is clear during the day (humidity: 11%), Temperatures will range between 62° and 76° - The pressure is 1020hPa, The wind(WSW) will blow 7.27m/h.Todayduring the night, the average temperature will be 63°.241208SENKJ043930
overcast clouds during the day (humidity: 32%), Temperatures will range between 59° and 68°, The wind(SE) will blow 6.24m/h.Tomorrowduring the night, the average temperature will be 59°.241208UCFEO043930
sky is clear during the day (humidity: 52%), Temperatures will range between 56° and 69°, The wind(WSW) will blow 6.51m/h.Mondayduring the night, the average temperature will be 61°.241208ONQCB043930
sky is clear during the day (humidity: 6%), Temperatures will range between 55° and 72°, The wind() will blow 7.81m/h.Tuesdayduring the night, the average temperature will be 60°.241208EOUIV043930
overcast clouds during the day (humidity: 4%), Temperatures will range between 57° and 73°, The wind(NNW) will blow 7.36m/h.Wednesdayduring the night, the average temperature will be 64°.241208BLTOV043930
For your health, eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day, practice regular physical activity, avoid eating too much fat, too sweet, too salty, avoid snacking between meals.
Bakery and bakery-pastryThe Cob of Golden Sun , 1050 West Olympic Boulevard - 90015Los Angeles, 06 87 ** ** ** - (USD)
Sunday 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Monday 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Tuesday 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Wednesday 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Thursday 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Friday 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Saturday 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM,